Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Looking ahead to 2011

Alright, wew are nearing the end of the first month of the year so I suppose it's time to rattle off what I want 2011 to bring.
College Graduation!!!! (That's right, first generation college grad in the family)

My First 50K (Misty and I will absolutely dominatie this, or so we hope so)

A Reverse Triathlon (Oh ya, it's backwards -- run, bike, THEN swim)
Graduate School (Here's to hoping I get in)
Something New (I welcome any extra spice in my life)
365 Chocolate-free days (I've already made it 18 and I'm still going strong)
Another Year of Unforgettable Memories (Can't wait for the fun!)

My First Full-Time Big-Girl Job (In addition to graduate school, but I'll welcome one without. Hopefully I don't have to resort to something like this little guy)

Six More Months of my Kick-Butt 22nd Year (Danielle told me 22 was her best year yet and so far I might have to agree with her)
Exploration (A bit of traveling is so in the near future)
Marine Corps Marathon (Not sure where I'll be in October, but I'm hoping I'll be running 26.2 in D.C. on the 30th)

Double the Fun (Don't get me wrong, I have a ton of fun, but maybe I should loosen up a bit more?)
'Las Vegas' (The show, not the city. I'm really into it right now and want to watch it from the start)

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